Dedication Service Beacon Church11 March 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Dedication, Kingdom, Children, PhilHopgood
Guest Speaker Trevor Payne Beacon Church4 March 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, TrevorPayne
King David and the return of the ark Beacon Church25 February 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Judgment, PhilHopgood
King David Series: The Death of Saul(1 Samuel 31: 1-13) Beacon Church18 February 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart
Guest Speaker: Ray Lowe - The Early Church Beacon Church11 February 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart
King David Series: David & Saul(1 Samuel 24: 1-7) Beacon Church4 February 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart
King David Series: David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17: 1-58) Beacon Church28 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, OwenHylton
King David Series: Leadership (1 Samuel 16: 1-13) Beacon Church21 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, OwenHylton
The grace of giving Beacon Church14 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, PhilHopgood, Gracegiving
Trust, Dwell, Delight and Commit Beacon Church7 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, PhilHopgood, Trust
Christmas Service: UnExpected Promise Beacon Church17 December 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, OwenHylton, Christmas, Promise, Hope
Guest Speaker - Bill Wilson Beacon Church10 December 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King.Jesus, Heart
Foundations: A Macedonian Call Beacon Church3 December 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Apostolic, Vision, Prophecy, Prophetcic
Baptism Sunday Beacon Church26 November 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Baptism
Foundations: Beacon's Mission - Not just what but why? Beacon Church19 November 2017Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Christian, SteveGould, EmmaGould
Foundations: PRAYER - Developing a lifestyle and culture of prayer Beacon Church12 November 2017Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Christian
Reflections on how to grow in our faith personally as as a church Beacon Church5 November 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, Newday, Testimony, OwenHylton, growth
29.10.2017 - Guest speaker Steve Oliver: The Regions Beyond Story Beacon Church29 October 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, Newday, Testimony
Now these three remain: love Guest User18 October 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach
15.10.2017 - Now these three remain: love Beacon Church15 October 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Love, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, OwenHylton