Dedication Service Beacon Church11 March 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Dedication, Kingdom, Children, PhilHopgood
King David and the return of the ark Beacon Church25 February 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Judgment, PhilHopgood
The grace of giving Beacon Church14 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, PhilHopgood, Gracegiving
Trust, Dwell, Delight and Commit Beacon Church7 January 2018Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, PhilHopgood, Trust
18.06.2017 - Getting to the heart of the matter: When tragedy strikes Beacon Church18 June 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, PhilHopgood, Suffering, Tragedy
04.06.2017 - Getting to the heart of the matter: Keep yourself in the love of God Beacon Church6 June 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Heart, Jude, Love, PhilHopgood
16.04.2017 - Redemption: Part 2 Beacon Church16 April 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Grace, Compassion, Redemption, PhilHopgood, Easter, Resurrection
09.04.2017 - Redemption: Part 1 Beacon Church9 April 2017Christian, Church, Family, Brixton, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Faith, Community, Gospel, King, Jesus, Grace, Compassion, Redemption, PhilHopgood
15.01.2017 - The upward call of God Beacon Church15 January 2017Christian, Church, Beacon, Preach, Sermon, Brixton, Family, Community, PhilHopgood, God, Reward, Philippians